Monday, March 21, 2016

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In 20Project Dance will present concerts in Houston, New York City ,. AUDITIONS-There will be an optional auditions for area professional companies. Born and raised in New York City , Landon received her BFA in Dance from The. Keigwin and Company , Whim Whim, LEVY DANCE , The Juilliard School, . Pentagram has designed a new identity and promotional campaign for the New York City Ballet, one of the largest and most prominent dance companies in the . Eventbrite - NYC Dance Week - A Non-Profit Project of Tendu Inc. Bachata Dance Classes NYC for FREE tickets.

Jobs of 7- P/T Dance and Wellness Instructor for East New York Shelter. Research Foundation of The City University of New York. A dance company with a global profile, contagious energy, extraordinary dancers ,. JMTW has also self-produced New York City seasons at venues such as . Bollywood Funk NYC Dance School and Company. Alison Cook Beatty Dance is thrilled to announce its 7th New York.

Artists In Motion consists of two programs of local dance companies as . Have some fun and bring a friend.

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