Thursday, September 22, 2016

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Preserve Present Interpret. The museum presents the historic voice of one segment of the St. Petersburg Florida community in the perspective of local, . Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society. In honor of Black History Month, the Delaware County Historical Society Museum will host an exhibit celebrating the lives of local African . Ohio History Center and National Afro-American Museum and . He was one of several people who talked about local black history at the Historical Society of Harford County in Bel Air.

New England black history offers some of the most inspirational and sobering insights into the region. The New England Historical Society has written about . The Missouri Historical Society wants to prove it is more relevant than ever to St. Jane and Littleton Mitchell Center for African American Heritage.

News, events, updates, and tidbits from the Presbyterian Historical Society. News (43); African American History (38); General Assembly (28); Collections () .

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