Friday, August 18, 2017

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Through the Rubenstein Test Kitchen project, librarians and staff re-create historical recipes from thousands of cookbooks in the collections. For the Vikings, odd events and close losses have been the norm at Soldier Field. Four Vikings-Bears games in Chicago decided by . Truly Horrific And Bizarre Historical Facts.

We used to eat corpses as medicine. The bizarre secret history of beds. Groucho Marx once joked . Happy 208th Birthday to The Greatest Showman on Earth, P. According to an apocryphal story , British ships defined the country by shooting cannonballs off the sides of . History is beautiful, brutal an often, ridiculous. Join Ben Bowlin and Noel Brown.

Right Now in Ridiculous History. World monuments get replicated all the time. Medieval history is undoubtedly strange. From pigs on trial to hairless faces, discover what went viral in the Middle Ages. But have no fear, these eerie stories are absolutely true.

There are a lot of fake coincidences out there. Sport fascinates Americans. It is axiomatic that foreign visitors to this shining land are startled—and left either amused or aghast—when banner headlines . Measure your knowledge of the stranger side of world history. Brian Fagan, The Conversation.

Stormont has witnessed some pretty bizarre days before. Rumbustious exchanges over the renewable heat scandal, a police raid on the Sinn . What do you do when nobody is around to take your picture? Self-portraits have a long history in the art worl and with the . Medical history is a treasure trove of weird and wonderful tales of mysterious illnesses and weirder remedies. Strange Happenings, Stupid Misconceptions, Distorted Facts and Uncommon Events Joe Rhatigan. But the most bizarre snippet might have been his . Fredrick Brennan is a vivid dreamer, and toward the end of his time running the notorious website 8chan, one sequence would play out in his . From a climate-changing volcanic eruption to a mysterious explosion in Siberia, learn the stories behind six weird weather events that made . Welcome to Red Sauce America, . Weddings have some pretty strange and particular traditions to begin . From acid-dropping dolphin researchers to top-secret Soviet circus trainers, the history of marine mammals serving as underwater spies is . This presentation will showcase over 1bizarre newspaper stories from Wisconsin that have not been seen in over 1years.

A bizarre -looking shark resurfaced on camera after an extraordinary trans- Atlantic adventure. We discuss five unusual medical procedures from ancient civilizations and more recent history. The journey toward medical discovery has been . Posts about odd history written by Mary and Hilary Parkinson. On each episode of How Bizarre , Chris will be joined by his wife Erin as.

Anita Croy: Libros en idiomas extranjeros. The holiday season is a busy time for postal services all over the world: people everywhere ordering and sending cards and gifts. How hair removal became the norm.

Spreepark, an abandoned Berlin amusement park turned ruin porn icon, burned down over the weekend in what the police suspect was arson.

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